1. What three conclusions did de Vries arrive at with his study on genetics?
2. What is the most significant difference between Correns and de Vries rediscovery publications?
3. Was de Vries aware of Mendel’s studies before he published his 1900 paper?
4. Who was the first to express heterozygote genotypes with two letters (e.g. Aa) Homozygote genotypes (e.g. AA and aa)?
5. Mendel did not make predict a 9:3:3:1 ratio prediction in the F2 generation. Who did?
6. Who linked the principle of segregation to the process of meiosis?
7. Which two scientists are co-credited with the chromosomal theory of inheritance?
8. What are four major findings of Walter Sutton’s inheritance studies on grasshoppers which became the foundation of the chromosomal theory of inheritance?
9. What are the major findings of Theodor Boveri’s studies on sea urchin’s inheritance?
10. What is Mendel’s principle of dominance ?
11. What is Mendel’s principle of segregation?
12. How did Mendel explain the consistency of the phenotypic ratio in the F2 generation (3 dominant: 1 recessive)?
13. How does meiosis explain the consistency of the 3 dominant: 1 recessive ratio in the F2 generation ?
14. Who first predicted the 9:3:3:1 phenotypic ratio of the F2 generation in a dihybrid cross?
15. How does meiosis explain independent assortment?
16. Why did Walter Sutton reason the alleles coding for the different physical traits (or phenotypes) Mendel and Correns were observing were located on different chromosomes?
17. Thomas Hunt Morgan originally studied the fruit fly to test which theories of inheritance?
18. Assuming Mendel’s Principle of Dominance, what is the expected phenotypic ratio of a mating between a white-eyed female (ee) and a pure line red-eyed male (EE), where red eyes is dominant and white eyes is recessive?
19. What is chromosomal sex-determinism?
22. Why did Morgan believe the alleles for eye color of his fruit flies to be sex-linked?
20. What is the expected phenotypic ratio of XEXe x XEY, assuming eye color is sex-linked?
21. What is the expected phenotypic ratio of offspring between a white-eyed female and a red-eyed male?
22. What is the expected phenotypic ratio of XBEXbe (grey body/red eyes) x XbeY (yellow body/white eyes) supporting gene linkage?
23. Why did Morgan think that Mendel’s principle of independent assortment would be violated when considering his fruit flies’ body color and eye color?
24. Assuming gene linkage (or dependent assortment), what is the expected phenotypic ratio of the offspring from this cross: XBEXbe x XbeY??
25. Assuming independent assortment, what is the expected phenotypic ratio of the offspring from the same cross as above: XBEXbe x XbeY?
26. Did Morgan’s results of the cross mentioned above (XBEXbe x XbeY) support gene linkage or independent assortment?
27. How did Morgan explain why his results didn’t support either gene linkage or independent assortment?
28. What happens during meiosis to explain Morgan’s crossing over hypothesis?
29. Why didn’t Gregor Mendel detect gene linkage?
30. How did Correns discover incomplete dominance?
31. Which theory of inheritance does incomplete dominance support?
32. How does codominance violate Mendel’s particulate inheritance hypothesis?
33. What is polygenic inheritance?