Chapter 27: Introduction to Animal Diversity

  1. How are animals different from fungi?
  2. What are the characteristics of all animals?
  3. What animals don’t have nerve or muscle cells?
  4. What are the closest living relatives (protists) to animals?
  5. What are the characteristics that the Cnidaria and Ctenophora share?
  6. All animals have a tube-within-a-tube design. What does that mean?
  7. Describe two ways that choanoflagellates are similar to sponges.
  8. What are tissues?
  9. What are epithelial tissues? What group of animals don’t have epithelial tissues?
  10. What is the difference between diploblasts and triploblasts?
  11. What organisms are diplobastic?
  12. Be able to identify the endoderm, mesoderm, and ectoderm.
  13. What doe the ectoderm develop into?
  14. What does the endoderm develop into?
  15. What does the mesoderm develop into?
  16. What did the mesoderm give rise to (evolutionarily)?
  17. What germ layer does your stomach come from? Your liver? Your muscle? Your skin? Your brain?
  18. Cnidarians include three groups of organisms known by their common names. What are they?
  19. What is the common name for Ctenophores?
  20. What group of organisms lack nerves?
  21. What group of organisms have a nerve net?
  22. What is a nerve net?
  23. What is a centralized nervous system?
  24. What is a ganglia? What is a cord?
  25. Is the human brain a ganglium?
  26. What group of animals are asymmetrical?
  27. What groups of animals are radially symmetrical for their whole lives?
  28. What is an advantage of being radially symmetrical vs. asymmetrical?
  29. What is are two advantages of being bilaterally symmetrical.
  30. What is cephalization?
  31. What concentrates in the cephalized regions?
  32. What does acoloemate mean? What groups of organisms are acoelomates?
  33. What is a coelom? What are two functions of a coelom?
  34. What is hydrostatic movement? How does it happen?
  35. Are all bilaterally symmetrical organisms coelomates?
  36. Coelomates are broken into two big groups. What are those groups called?
  37. Coleomates all share three characteristics in common. What are they?
  38. What are two differences between protostomes and deuterostomes?
  39. What are three different body types of Cnidaria? How do they move (or not)?
  40.  What group of animals are transparent, gelatinous diploblasts that prey on plankton and move by cilia?
  41. What group of animals are suspension feeders that are sessile as adults, but mobile as larvae, and are asymmetrically arranged?
  42.  What group of animals are bilaterally symmetrical worms that are triploblastic but  lack a coelom. They live in mud and move via cilia.